Monday, September 24, 2012


In this photo the camera is moving and trying to focus on an unmoving object.

The camera is moving and trying to keep up with a moving car; so both the camera and the car are moving in the same direction, but probably at a different speed

This is an example of the moving object not being blurred, but instead, the its background appears blurred.
This is a still object being taken by a moving camera. I think it's cool how Lotus appears ghost-like.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 In this photo we are focusing on the dry erase marker in a blurred background.
when I first look at it, my eyes look at the marker first.

 The camera is focusing on the flower like it was on the marker.

 This is a hand sanitizer bottle in front of a blurred plant.

A pen on a desk in front of a blurred out desk.

Monday, September 17, 2012


The holes in the table are an example of repetition.
The keyboard keys are repetitive and seem to continue on for a long time.

The holes in the beach continue to go on along with the picture.

This is a photo of the ground, the lines continue as if they're going up in this picture.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leading Lines

This photo is the railing of a stairwell getting smaller and almost disappearing.

Like the photo of the railing, one side of the bookcase is larger and gets smaller as the picture goes on.
This is similar to the table, a telephone wire that grows smaller and continues to its vanishing point.

This photo is the reflection of a street off of wavy glass. The lines decrease in size and continue off of the photo.
The sidewalk is a good example of a leading line because you can see the sidewalk growing smaller so it looks like it's disappearing.
In this photo, the dry erase marker is floating on leading lines.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rule of Thirds Photos

This fits into the Rule of Thirds category because the center of the photo is basically the wall and is bordered by the microwave, window, and basket.
Drew and the apartment building remain on the borders of the photo
The clock appears to be floating in the top corner of this photo.
The buildings surround the perimeter of the photo.

Rule of Thirds Photos

This is a good example of the rule of thirds; the church, wires, and buildings are bordering and encircling the center of the photo.

This photo is focused on the hands but attracts no attention in the center.

This one is taken from the third floor staircase that looks almost like a maze.