Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random Objects

This is a photo of a shoe I noticed in the street. I didn't Photoshop at all because I liked the coloring and brightness; I think it's cool how everything in the picture is gray except for the bright green leaf, the colors really contrast/

This is one of my favorite pictures; to me, it has an "old" feeling to it. I found the flower in this position on a porch, and it's similar to the photo from my last series of a flower on the sidewalk.
Like the photo of the flower, this also has an older feeling to it because of the rust and the simple coloring. The battery was sitting in the street, and I think the pavement really brings out the rust on it.
I found this empty tic-tac box in the courtyard, and I used Photoshop to change the colors on the box from orange to blue. It makes it interesting because the box still says the flavor "orange". The blue is the only color in the photo aside from the whitish colors.

I took a lot of photos of rubber bands in the streets like the last series, because they are everywhere and I think they make really interesting because of their positioning. I like the shadow in this one, and the position is really cool (this is how it was when I found it).

On this rubber band, I used Photoshop to turn the rubber band, as well as the background, blue. I decided that by adding color, I would be adding a little more "life" to the photo as well.
This is a crushed marker I found on California St; broken or shattered objects are seen all over the city. Like some of my other pictures from this series, their is often a negative space that is of simple coloring, like gray or white, that contains a brightly colored object.
I Photoshopped the pencil to make it green. This was on the ground, someone had obviously dropped it while they rushed off somewhere.

This photo uses negative space; it's a matchbox in the street. I used Photoshop to darken the ground but brighten the matchbox so they contrast each other. This picture is really simple but it represents the variety of objects found in the street.
This picture is a little different than the rest because it's a little more complex and doesn't contain other tools such as negative space. This really reminds me of objects you find in a city because people are always leaving this kind of trash around.

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