Thursday, May 30, 2013

Classmate's Style

Since a lot of Sebastian's photos focus on plants and nature, I decided to focus on those things too. Since he needed to be in the portrait, I had him be in the background so I can blur him out and focus on the plant. A lot of his pictures also focus on one subject and blur in the background, too.
This photo is similar to Lotus's style because it isn't zoomed up on the subject and it doesn't have any vibrant colors.She usually uses black and white, but occasionally there are a few colors. Her subjects are always off to the side- never in the center of the picture, and are zoomed out. They also have simple or natural expressions, nothing too unique.
For a few of her series, Frankie put/combined two different photos into one. I thought the barrier kind of made this picture look like two different ones; one picture of Frankie combined with one of others socializing. Like Lotus, she often takes photos farther away from the person.
A lot of Benji's portraits are up-close shots of someone, who usually aren't looking directly at the camera. He also uses black and white a lot, and the model has a somewhat blank or simple expression.
Kurt like to make/have his photos contain a lot of blue and black. Usually people use just black and white, but a lot of his pictures I saw were mainly or only blue and black (a darker background). He also enjoys taking blurred pictures, so I used motion in this portrait of him and Photoshopped it so that it was more grey with a bluer background.
One of the biggest styles Alex uses is texture. A majority of her photos have one or more texture layered on top of the original photo. In this photo, I took a somewhat unique pose (like she does), took a picture of the carpet, and layered on top of her.

Friday, May 17, 2013

6 Favorite Photos of the Semester

This is one of my favorite photos of these six; it was the one I used in the art show. I really like the coloring in it, it makes the picture look old, as well as the flower being dead. I had named this piece "Fallen Dancer" because it reminds me and other people of a dancer on the ground.

I like this photo because it's really simple, and the coloring is all similar aside from the bright green leaf. I also like how there is so much detail on the shoe, especially in the shoelaces.
I like this photo because the purple petals really stand out among the rest of the less-vibrant green.

I'm mot really sure why I like this picture so much; I guess it's because of the detail in the pavement and that it is so simple.

I like how the colors in this photo are so bright but soft. The highlights on the bar are what really soften the feel and look of the photo.

My favorite part of this photo is the rust on the battery, mainly because the coloring goes well with/matches the color of the mulch.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Flower Series

This is a budding flower; you can see so much detail and how the red stands out from the green.
Like the first photo, I tried to capture one bright color (in this case the purple) surrounded by green. The flower looks soft in this photo, but sharper than the leaves underneath it.

I like how the flower is sort of shaped like half a sphere, or a cup. The fading purple on the leaves are really beautiful, too.

The flowers stand out so much in this photo; and I think the combination of the blue of the flowers and the brown sticks/twigs is really pretty.
This is a close up of the other picture. In this, I made sure that the sticks blurred so the attention would be directed to the flowers first. By doing this, the small details on the petals are much more noticeable.
There is a lot of red in this photo, which makes the white flowers be the first thing noticed in this photo. With all of the red in it, it kind of looks like the photo was Photoshopped so it would get redder (which it wasn't).
This was a very unusual-looking and kind of destroyed flower. Most of the petals had been ripped off, but what remained of it was vibrantly colored.

This is one of my favorite flowers, because I love the various shades of purple on the petal. It's a;so interesting how three of the petals are beautifully patterned, but one is just one shade of purple.
I Photoshopped this originally yellow flower to be purple, so the coloring of the tulip is unusual but very vibrant at the same time.
The tulip looks like it's floating because you can't see the stem in this view.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random Objects

This is a photo of a shoe I noticed in the street. I didn't Photoshop at all because I liked the coloring and brightness; I think it's cool how everything in the picture is gray except for the bright green leaf, the colors really contrast/

This is one of my favorite pictures; to me, it has an "old" feeling to it. I found the flower in this position on a porch, and it's similar to the photo from my last series of a flower on the sidewalk.
Like the photo of the flower, this also has an older feeling to it because of the rust and the simple coloring. The battery was sitting in the street, and I think the pavement really brings out the rust on it.
I found this empty tic-tac box in the courtyard, and I used Photoshop to change the colors on the box from orange to blue. It makes it interesting because the box still says the flavor "orange". The blue is the only color in the photo aside from the whitish colors.

I took a lot of photos of rubber bands in the streets like the last series, because they are everywhere and I think they make really interesting because of their positioning. I like the shadow in this one, and the position is really cool (this is how it was when I found it).

On this rubber band, I used Photoshop to turn the rubber band, as well as the background, blue. I decided that by adding color, I would be adding a little more "life" to the photo as well.
This is a crushed marker I found on California St; broken or shattered objects are seen all over the city. Like some of my other pictures from this series, their is often a negative space that is of simple coloring, like gray or white, that contains a brightly colored object.
I Photoshopped the pencil to make it green. This was on the ground, someone had obviously dropped it while they rushed off somewhere.

This photo uses negative space; it's a matchbox in the street. I used Photoshop to darken the ground but brighten the matchbox so they contrast each other. This picture is really simple but it represents the variety of objects found in the street.
This picture is a little different than the rest because it's a little more complex and doesn't contain other tools such as negative space. This really reminds me of objects you find in a city because people are always leaving this kind of trash around.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Next Series

In my next series, I'm going to take photos of random objects I find in the city and try to incorporate negative space. This is the same style as the photos of the rubber bands and flower I took on the pavement. I want to also have the subjects of my photos on pavement because I thought it looked cool to have something colorful on a plain white background. I plan to use Photoshop on most of them to enhance/change colors and brighten or darken them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Urban Style

A rubber band I saw on the street; it represents how people constantly litter in cities.

The American flag is often seen in urban-related areas, so I decided to use this one when I noticed it.

Like the other photo of the rubber band, this represents the city. I also see rubber bands on the ground almost everywhere I go.
I took this picture through a glass door with the hall lights reflection on it; it looks like the hall lights are outside in the actual photo.

Pigeon's are always in cities--I think cities wouldn't be the same without them. They are a common nuisance and are everywhere.
Like the other pigeon pictures, pigeon footprints are commonly scene in cement, along with hand prints or names or words. This fits into the urban style because they are commonly seen in a city.
This is a common city scene: crowded and cluttered.
This is obviously an urban portrait because you can see San Francisco in the background. My favorite part of this picture is the dark cloud over a smaller white cloud hovering in a space of really blue sky.
A man who probably has a destination in mind, such as going to his work. This is what cities are like; people hustling to work, but usually in more busy scenarios.
I think this crushed flower represents a city because people are always in rush and don't notice where they are walking, and usually step on things. People are always in too big of a rush to be able to observe their surroundings.